Tuesday, August 6, 2013

GEK1527 / LSM1302 Genes and Society

Module Description
The primary aim of this module is to introduce students to the modern concepts in biology and to enable them to evaluate independently the potential benefits and risk of the biotechnological revolution and its implications for society. The topics taught will cover an understanding of the nature of the genetic material and the passage of information from DNA to protein, as well as the major technologies currently used for genetic engineering. Examples of genetic engineering of micro-organisms, plants and animals will be given in detail, and cloning will also be discussed. The student will become aware of the impact of the various genome projects on their own lives and will also able to recognise difficulties associated with deciding which kinds of genetic engineering are ethically and morally acceptable.

- Overview: The Past and Present
- Classical Genetics: Genes, Inheritance and Us
- DNA to Proteins: The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
- Mutation: When the Message Changes
- In Different Operating Systems
- From Detecting and Amplifying DNA to Crime Scene Investigation
- From Cloning and Reading Genes to Health-Risk Assessment
- From Omics and Informatics to Drug Discovery
- Genetic Engineering in Society: Microorganisms, Plants, Animals and Human

H2 biology is not part of the pre-requisite but if you have, you will stand an edge. Most of the topics are not that difficult if you have H2 biology.

Two two-hours lecture
Lectures were held in LT 32, the lousiest LT in NUS so far due to the dark (thus sleep-inducing) lighting and location. Each semester will be taught by different lecturer and the CA component will be different as well. I was taught by Dr Lam Siew Hong, one of the most passionate lecturer I have ever met. He was highly animated and would share about his works on the Zebrafish. (Despite his interesting lectures, I still fell asleep most of the time)

No tutorials!

60% Final (All MCQ)
5% Online Surveys
15% Short Questions
10% Mini Project (I made a brochure on Huntington's Disease)
10% Short Essay (On a certain topic)

I didn't spend a lot of time on each of those CA components. They are usually done within half a day or less if you know what to look for. (Again, basic biology background would be helpful here)

Extra notes to readers: I have important past year papers which helped me A LOT for my final paper. Download them from my Dropbox. (Warning: It's a huge pdf file)
If you want to know more about the module I have taken, you may refer to this list.


  1. Hi, are you past year papers still available? How can I contact you? (-:

  2. Hi, do you still have the papers?? Thank you!!

  3. Hello,
    do you happen to have the past year papers?
    If it's not too much trouble,would you mind sending them to me at nataliemay322@gmail.com? :)
    Thank you so much! All the best for your finals!

  4. Hi, would it be possible for you to send the papers to annatan944@gmail.com? Thanks and all the best for your exams. :)

  5. Hi there,
    do you still keep the past year papers for this module?
    If you don't mind, could you send it to me at ericpcw316@gmail.com? :)
    Thank you very much! :)

  6. Hi, may I check with you if you still have the papers? Thanks in advance! (:

  7. Hi, do you still have the papers?:)

  8. Hi, if it is not too much trouble, can you send me all the stuff you have regarding this module? Thank you so much and have a blessed year ahead :)

  9. Hi! May I have the past years papers too?
    Could you send them to me at theresa.wan@hotmail.com please.
    Thank you!

  10. Hi, would u mind sharing the past year papers? and how can I contact u? Thanks!

  11. hi, do u still have the PYPs, it'll be nice if u caould send it to me at albert_evg@hotmail.com THX!!

  12. Hi!
    Is it possible to send me the pyp? my email is linzhezhao_1990@hotmail.com

  13. Hello,
    do you happen to have the past year papers? If it's not too much trouble,would you mind sending them to me at lwyjane@gmail.com? :)
    Thank you :)

  14. wish to have past year paper for gek1527 could I have it please? hytroll@gmail.com

  15. Hello!
    Can you share your resources with me pls? Be it short essays, mini project or past year papers, I'm sure they would come in handy.
    I'm contactable at forrachel5@gmail.com

  16. Hi, are you past year papers still available? How can I contact you?


  17. Hi,
    I am taking this mod this sem but I only have H1 bio background.
    If it is not too much trouble, can you share your resources with me pls?
    Im sure your short essay and past year papers would come in handy for me.
    I can be contacted at forrachel5@gmail.com
    Thank you! :)

  18. Hello,

    Do you still have the PYP??
    If it's not too much trouble,would you mind sending them to me at g3.benjaminoh@gmail.com
    Thank you so much!

  19. Hi!

    Do you still have the past year papers?

    If so, would you mind sending them to me at g3.benjaminoh@gmail.com?


  20. Hi Stan!
    I'd be grateful if you could send me the past year papers :)
    My email is baorong94@gmail.com
    Thanks a million!

  21. Hi, do you happen to have the past year papers? Can you send it to acmilan_rulez@hotmail.com? Thanks!

  22. Hello,
    My name is Brandon(can't change the "comment as" function).

    Do you have past year papers? I'm taking it this sem and aiming for a high grade. Thank you for the review!
    My email is chewhtbrandon@gmail.com

  23. Hi, do you still keep the past year papers?
    If so, would you please send them to me via email, my email address is hellohappyhcl@gmail.com?
    Thank you very much!!!

  24. hey,
    it would help me so much if you could send me the past year papers which helped you @redevil.c@gmail.com.

  25. Hello,
    Could I have a copy of past year papers please?
    If yes, kindly send it to redevil.c@gmail.com.
    Thanks in advance.

  26. Hi, do you still have a copy of the past year papers? Could you send them to me at johntan28@hotmail.com please?

  27. Hi, do you still have the past year papers? You can contact me at kiangtengl outlook com

  28. Hi! Do you still have the past year papers?

  29. Hi do you still have the past year papers? If it's not too much trouble, please send them to me at cytam92@hotmail.com. It will help me a lot, thank you!!!

  30. Hi there, can i request for a copy of the past year papers too please? you can contact me at littlesackboi@gmail.com


  31. Hi, I'm taking GEK1527 this sem and hoping you can send me notes and past year papers to my email nikkiarchie910@gmail.com. thanks a lot!

  32. Hello do you mind sharing your past year papers please? Thank you!

  33. Hi, may i ask for the past year papers pleaseee? :D can you kindly send it to teddy_hartanto96@yahoo.com? Thank you so much!
